Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A day in the life of Silas

When  I wake up in the morning at 5:00am, I go to latrine and then  come back in the house to wash my face with cold water as cold water will make my eyes be active and I dont feel sleepy when reading. After washing my face I sit down and read my story book and sometimes I do homework given me by my teacher.

When it reach 6:00am I wake up my sister Akinyi to prepare her self to go to school so that she may not be late. After waking up my sister I also open the door of chikens  so that my two chickens go out.
Being that we cannot afford to prepare breakfast ,we just  prepare our self and rush to school.

Latrine is a toilet trench in the earth and built out side the house or it is something used as a toilet.
Our house is made of mud and the roof is made of scrape iron sheet. School is very far from home 7km far.

This chickens we eat.

Hi Kim. I will be busy planting some flowers in my small garden.
After finishing I will be eating tilapia fish which I was given by friend George from school. Tilapia fish is my favorite food.
What is your favorite food?
Say hi to your family and friends.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Wheelbarrow

The color of this wheel barrow is brown  and the wheel barrow is very old. The body of wheelbarrow is made of wood and the wheel is metal. The wheel is not rusted because oiling is being done to prevent rust. When it goes on road it sound very softly because of oil but when oil is not applied it sound  very noisy. Roads are gravel and the wheel is  very unique because it is made of round strong metal.
Suppose the wheelbarrow was a person, it would have been a man because a man is stronger than a woman and more energitic. He would have been very sad because of the workload. However, he would have been very smart to  a void carrying large load. The person could have been feeling bad when he carries large load.

The wheelbarrow does not feel anything and my sister borrow when need arise.