Sunday, September 21, 2014


Hi Kim, it is very drought and getting water is a problem. I went to far to look for water at the river. Monkeys are realy disturbing people living near forest as they look for water and food. They carry their young ones and are many.
Tomorrow I will pour some water into trough and take to monkeys in the forest so that they drink. I really love them and wish one day I drill borehole so that I get water to help me and give them.
Do you also have problem of water? 

Saturday, September 20, 2014


I cut cassava into smaller pieces with knife and then I remove the outer cover.
After removing the outer cover I split them into smaller pieces and put into trough.I pour water into them and wash them.
 After washing them i put them into sufuria then pour water and put salt.then i put some onions leaves for it to smell nicely.
I light fire and put it on fire to boil for 1hr. After 1hr it will be ready to eat.